Nexon Ip Ban

If you get banned then Nexon automatically flags the IP address and any character created on the flagged IP will get autobanned within 20 minutes after being. Typically this message appears when your connection to the game servers themselves are unstable. Aerosmith greatest hits mega. That is, you timed out. Search for your characters on the rankings (remember to click the magnifying glass button when using search, don't hit enter to search). If you are banned. Nexon set me up to ban my account from the game and Customer service permanently. About 5 months ago my maplestory account got banned from dying repeatedly, AKA having a bye-bye Kanna on reboot. After appealing twice that month I gave up and quitted the game. MapleStory Global (GMS) Most players from all other regions not covered by the MapleStory services listed below should be able to play on the Global service. Only players in Indonesia that have a. Vindictus North America is available to players in the Following Countries and Regions United States Canada Mexico New Zealand Australia Ȧland Islands (part of Finland) Albania Andorra Austria B.

  1. Nexon Ip Band
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A Player forgiveness day


  • If one blackrobed someone or other similar offenses, they deserve a lifetime ban. Sorry kid, you just shouldn't have enough of an asshat to corrupt someone's character data. You know what, they deserve to die. They deserve to be grilled alive, those insipid little psychopaths.
    Sometimes, one has to live with the terrible things they have done. If one has done something so wantonly destructive, they shouldn't be allowed back in solely because of principle. People make mistakes, but then there is a jerkishness arousing out of a callousness one should not have had at any age.

    I'm all for life time ban, maybe IP ban if possible or even nexon sueing them, but capital punishment? or to take it a step further and use execution methods that have long been retired for being too cruel. It is a tad bit much don't you think?
    I really hope this is a joke lol.
  • I don't think so. You have to try pretty hard to get a permaban in game.
  • Mabinogi Rep: 23,940
    If one blackrobed someone or other similar offenses, they deserve a lifetime ban. Sorry kid, you just shouldn't have enough of an asshat to corrupt someone's character data. You know what, they deserve to die. They deserve to be grilled alive, those insipid little psychopaths.
    Sometimes, one has to live with the terrible things they have done. If one has done something so wantonly destructive, they shouldn't be allowed back in solely because of principle. People make mistakes, but then there is a jerkishness arousing out of a callousness one should not have had at any age.

    I'm all for life time ban, maybe IP ban if possible or even nexon sueing them, but capital punishment? or to take it a step further and use execution methods that have long been retired for being too cruel. It is a tad bit much don't you think?
    I really hope this is a joke lol.

    I am a very very verbally violent person. It is the equivalent of punching a punching bag for most, I imagine, except less calories are lost in the process.
    It is not a joke, but rather me venting about how callous people can be just because they do not see the person on the other side of the screen. It is infuriating because they are still obviously there, and such suffering should not be ignorant to one.
    I can tolerate Froglord's Field Raid Spams. They are sort of funny. Corrupting character data? Heck no.
  • Immediately reminded of this
    On a serious note, I'll surely have open arms to welcome folks whom I shouldn't name, the entirety of Martyr and Derp, etc so on and so forth. I'm sure they'll love playing mabi for 24 hours and be very peaceful, break no rules, and who cares if they crash the server a few times, its a day to forgive, right?
[NEW MERCENARIES] Please note that all new forum users have to be approved before posting. This process can take up to 24 hours, and we appreciate your patience.

Game Launch Blocked


Nexon Ip Band

  • goodbye yo vindi (can't play from Ukraine now)

    i know this feel bro. Im from UA cant play to now!
  • I read a little bit, what people who played DFO and Strike Attack (not sure about this name) were saying about Nexon, when games closed. And my oh my, it was not nice. I seems, that there were password leaks, and they never admitted it, poor customer service (we can see that for ourselves), botting (Na still has this, I dunno, just saw a screen shot with some gold sellers), 0 advertisements (but did love it when EU asked me, if I would recommend Vindi to a friend - of course I would not, we are IP banned country, there is no point), banning legit players (this seems to be true too), AND NA RELEASED HARLEM SHAKE VIDEO, while DFO and that other community did not heard anything from them for 6 months. Bad servers (I see a lot of people complaining). And last one - completely not giving a damn about everyone and everything. They do not care. Never did, never will.
    I think Vindi is going there. If NA staff makes 'Smash or pass' (or whatever is trendy now), Vindi is doomed. They are just trying to drag everything so badly, to loose less.
    Oh, you also blocked out . well, not hardcore, but pretty loyal players out of game. For no god damn reason.
    You know what, I would have accepted, if Nexon came in here each few days and just said :'We are working on this', but now, that Nexon has ignored us for more than half a month, answered and gave half assed answer only after someone tagged (only person they knew from NA staff), I want to see proof next time you are posting answer.
    It is not that hard. People from IP banned countries already are playing. Dunno if without issues, never tried it myself, but even if there were issues, EU had them too.
  • As it was told before, unblocking IP addresses will do nothing. We have dynamic IP here, I believe most of people have them. Also, our ISP gives us 2 (on paper, in reality it is 4 or more) IP addresses. So white listing IP can not be done, because they would have to do that each time I needed new IP, we lost electricity or had to restart router/modem.

    I was playing from my work, we played together there and we even swaped pc's constanly and even while riding a train vindictus did an Ok job with low connection while passing forest massives.
    But on the other hand, my friend went to the college to the other blocked country, and then he could not play there anymore.
    EU gave us mercy and granted each of us 1 exception region.
  • I am in the same boat, I have been playing another one of your games for a while now and decided to try another but it seems my area (Estonia) is not covered. Any chance you can sort that so we can play too?
  • I am in the same boat, I have been playing another one of your games for a while now and decided to try another but it seems my area (Estonia) is not covered. Any chance you can sort that so we can play too?
    i like to think that they will just lift that restriction.
    But right now, judging by the feedback, people responsible for that are not interested in resolving this problem.

  • As it was told before, unblocking IP addresses will do nothing. We have dynamic IP here, I believe most of people have them. Also, our ISP gives us 2 (on paper, in reality it is 4 or more) IP addresses. So white listing IP can not be done, because they would have to do that each time I needed new IP, we lost electricity or had to restart router/modem.
    I have not used it, because that could just be giving them reason to ban me for real (you can check it, most I have done, is try to launch game after each maintenance, in case this was fixed and Nexon just forgot to mention it, needless to say, but I will do it anyway - issue was not fixed).
    So answer must be somewhere in the launcher.

    You can see, that this comment I made some time ago does not make sense any more. What I have not used? No idea. No wait, I just said, how easy it was to get past region block message launcher gives you and play game, even if you are from IP banned country. I did not said how, that would be just stupid, but I said, that there is a way, and it is not hard. I do not suggest people using it, because, as I said before, might just be a reason they need to ban you.
    EDIT: No need for VPN's too, I think. IDK. no one said anything about VPN, and I have not tried it myself.
  • Looks like the problem is still ignored wow,no response from any admins,how this game make it so far .
  • They are reading what we are saying (my comments get edited and deleted sometimes), they just probably think, that we do not deserve answers.
  • i can't log in now, today there is Event and hope they fix it before sunday
  • They are reading what we are saying (my comments get edited and deleted sometimes), they just probably think, that we do not deserve answers.

    Just got this on the steam launcher and I cant enter the game with nexon launcher either now.Are they trying to kill the game?
  • They are reading what we are saying (my comments get edited and deleted sometimes), they just probably think, that we do not deserve answers.
    makes me think that i have memory losses
  • They are reading what we are saying (my comments get edited and deleted sometimes), they just probably think, that we do not deserve answers.

    Or they maybe cant answear for now because they still didnt found solution . Im sure they will answear when they will be sure if people will get access back or not instead of spam again that they are sorry .
  • as i said, we will wait for months to get proper answer and likly wont be allowed to be back in game or get any compensation for this event (and upcoming ones)
  • I am so tried of dealing with inept 'customer support'. Why the hell, Nexon even has one, they would do good enough, just with copy-pasting messages, saying something like - it is our deepest regret, but we can not do x/fix y. Nexon itself drove people away from DFO, and then closed game, because it did not had enough payers.
    It is like pissing on the floor and then complaining, that there is piss on the floor.
  • ^ hugs .. im with you , even if i dont have those problems im still here fighting for my friends from ukraine cause they gave up aleredy and went to play something else ' We survive by pulling together not apart ' like Rick Grimes said
  • Vindictus Rep: 5,175
    But why the hell would they block Ukraine? It's so close to my country (Hungary). But why the block? Gambling laws? If it worked before then there shouldn't be any gambling laws in that particular country.
    They are blocked simply because Nexon doesn't care or they don't know how to get an IP mask list for every European country. In this case i don't understand why they don't use the whitelist/method that the EU server used before.
    So there remains only one possible reason: THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US.
  • Rhapsody
    I'm In
    I'm from Ukraine and I have played on the European servers starting from beta w/o using any VPNs.
    I have some NXcash on my wallet and I have no access now.
    It's frustrating!